I'm very thankful for weekends. It gives me that much-needed time to get chores done that I want to get done and yet still have time to play with my kids and even spend some time with my husband.
I also appreciate being able to attend the church that I do. Yesterday, our pastor talked about reasons that we go to church and how important it is to be a part of that body of believers. I wholeheartedly agree with that and I do wish that I spent more time with people at church. There are a lot of couples in our Sunday School class that I really enjoy and would like to get to know better.
He also talked for a good bit about being real. This is one part that I don't think I have too much trouble with. I'm a person who wears her heart on her sleeve. If I'm not having a good day, everyone knows. I'm pretty transparent. I also like to share my burdens with others because talking about things helps me to feel better or at least lightens the load.
But that being said, how many times have I asked people how they are and really meant it? When was it just a greeting so I could get by rather than a real inquiry into that person's life? Probably more times than not, and I should be ashamed. My Lord was a person of relationships when He was here on this earth. Yeah, I know this isn't exactly about mothering, but in a way it is. Aren't we as mothers supposed to be nurturing and caring in our relationships?
I do care about people's hurts. I don't know if anyone has read any of these posts yet, but if there is a tiny audience. I do care about you, for real. Write me, post a comment or something. I will write you back, when I can. I am a busy mom, of course!
On another topic, my poor Kaley still has or redeveloped a snotty nose. Ashton had a pretty deep cough this morning and Eric has been stuffed. I'm really hoping that this is winter's last gasp with sickness on us. I'm tired of it. We have had some sort of crud since, oh... September or October...maybe even August. Tired of it.
Today is a beautiful day and I'm planning on taking the kids this a.m. to the park to play with some friends. Now I just need to get myself ready for work. sigh...